an nahl ayat 114 - Surah AnNahl 114 Qurancom

an nahl ayat 114 - Surah AnNahl 114 Qurancom Surah AnNahlالنحل contoh mengirim cv lewat email 16114 So eat from the good lawful things which Allah has provided for you and be grateful for Allahs favours if you truly worship Him alone Surat AnNahl verse 114 Then eat of what Allah has provided for you which is lawful and good And be grateful for the favor of Allah if it is indeed Him that you worship Surat AnNahl 16114 The Noble Quran القرآن الكريم AnNahl 115 Dalam pembahasan terdahulu telah diterangkan tafsir ayat yang semisal yaitu dalam surat AlBaqarah sehingga tidak perlu diulangi lagi dalam tafsir ayat surat AnNahl ini Kemudian Allah melarang menempuh jalan orangorang musyrik yaitu mereka yang menghalalkan dan mengharamkan sesuatu hanya berdasarkan namanama dan istilah Surah AnNahl Ayat 114 16114 Quran With Tafsir My Islam Ayat ini menyuruh kaum Muslimin untuk memakan makanan yang halal dan baik dari rezeki yang diberikan Allah swt kepada mereka dan syukurilah nikmat Allah Lihat tafsir bacaan arab latin dan terjemah Indonesia surat AnNahl ayat 114 di website Quran Kuid Quran 16 Verse 114 Explanation For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Nahl ayat 114 weve provided two Tafseer works below The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi the second is of Ibn Kathir Lihat ayat 114 surat AnNahl dengan versi Arab Latin dan terjemah Indonesia Ayat ini memerintahkan orang mukmin untuk makan rezeki halal yang diberikan Allah dan menyukuri nikmatNya dengan syukur The Command to eat Lawful Provisions and to be Thankful and an Explanation of what is Unlawful Allah orders His believing servants to eat the good and lawful things that He has provided and to give thanks to Him for that for He is the Giver and Originator of all favors Who alone deserves to be worshipped having no partners or associate Ayat ini menyuruh kaum Muslimin untuk memakan makanan yang halal dan baik dari rezeki yang diberikan Allah swt kepadamu dan syukurilah nikmat Allah Lihat tafsir tafsir tahlili dan bacaan surat AnNahl ayat 114 dengan audio dan tajwid warna Baca Tafsir Surat AnNahl ayat 114 Cari apa pun di AlQuran dan pahami kandungannya dengan teknologi pencarian AI dan sumber terpercaya di Learn Quran Tafsir Tafsir Surat AnNahl 114117 Maka makanlah yang halal lagi baik dari rezeki yang telah diberikan Allah kepada kalian dan syukurilah nikmat Allah jika kalian hanya kepadaNya saja AnNahl Verse 114 Quran Word by Word English QuranHaditscom Tafsir Surat AnNahl ayat 114117 ibnukatsironlinecom Surah 16 AnNahl Ayat 114117 Islamicstudiesinfo Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 TafsirWeb Tafsir Surah AnNahl 114 Qurancom Read and listen to Surah AnNahl The Surah was revealed in Mecca ordered 16 in the Quran The Surah title means The Bee in English and consists of Exciting Updates See Whats New Settings 114 AnNas Notes placeholders close Read study and learn The Noble Quran Surah AnNahl 1128 Qurancom Surat AnNahl 16114 The Noble Quran القرآن الكريم Fakuloo mimmaa razaqa kumul laahu halaalan taiyibanw washkuroo nimatal laahi in kuntum iyyaahu tabudoon QS anNaḥl114 English Sahih Translation Then eat of what Allah has provided for you which is lawful and good And be grateful for the favor of Allah if it is indeed Him that you worship QS AnNahl ayah 114 Read and learn Surah Nahl 16114 to get Allahs blessings Listen Surah Nahl Audio mp3 Al Quran on Islamicfinder Surah Nahl Read Surah Nahl Ayat 114 16114 with translation Juz 14 Rubama 1 Alaf Lam Meem 2 Sayaqool 3 Tilkal Rusull 4 Lan Tana Loo 5 Wal Mohsanat 6 levis 4d La Yuhibbullah 7 Wa Iza Samiu 8 Wa Lau Annana Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 Arab Latin dan Terjemahan AlQuran Online Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 Tafsirqcom Surat AnNahl 16 114 AlIslamorg AnNahl114 Islam in Quran Read Quran in English Listen Quran 16AnNahl114 Fa kuloo mimmea raazaakaakumulleahu haalealan taayyiban vashkuroo nimataalleahi in kuntum iyyeahu taabudoontaabudoona Imam Iskender Ali Mihr So eat of the lawful and good and clean things which Allah has provided for you and give thanks for Allahs Blessings if it is He whom you became a servant to 16 AnNahl 17 AlIsra 18 AlKahf 19 Maryam 20 Taha 21 AlAnbya 22 AlHajj 23 AlMuminun 24 AnNur 25 AlFurqan 26 AshShuara 27 AnNaml 28 AlQasas 29 AlAnkabut 30 ArRum 31 Luqman 32 AsSajdah 114 AnNas Notes placeholders close Read study and learn The Noble Quran Qurancom is a Sadaqah Jariyah We hope to make Surat AnNahl ayat 114 Arab Latin Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia Quran So eat out of what Allah has provided you as lawful and good and give thanks for Allahs blessing if it is Him that you worship Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 فكلوا مما رزقكم الله حلالا طيبا واشكروا نعمت الله إن كنتم إياه تعبدون Maka makanlah yang halal lagi baik dari rezeki yang telah diberikan Allah kepadamu dan syukurilah Read various Tafsirs of Ayah 114 of Surah AnNahl by trusted Tafsir scholars Surat AnNahl verses 1114 The command of Allah is coming so be not impatient for it Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him 114 to top Sahih International Then eat of what Allah has provided for you which is lawful and good And be grateful for the favor of Allah if it is indeed Him that you worship AnNahl ayat 114 Tafsir Ringkas Kemenag Kementrian Agama RI Agar azab Allah tidak menimpa kamu lantaran tidak mensyukuri nikmatNya maka janganlah kamu wahai orang mukmin berbuat seperti halnya orang musyrik dan makanlah yang halal lagi baik lezat bergizi sesuai dan bermanfaat bagi tubuh dan kesehatan dari rezeki yang telah diberikan Surah AnNahl 114 Qurancom Surah 16 AnNahl Ayat 114117 16114 So eat out of the lawful and good sustenance that Allah has bestowed upon you and thank Allah for His bounty 113 if it is Him that you serve 114 16115 Allah has forbidden you only carrion and blood Tafsir Surah AnNahl 114 Qurancom Hikmah Mendalam Mengenai Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 Paragraf di atas merupakan Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 dengan text arab latin dan terjemah artinya Ada beberapa hikmah mendalam dari ayat ini Diketemukan beberapa penjabaran dari kalangan mufassir berkaitan kandungan surat AnNahl ayat 114 misalnya seperti tertera Tafsir AlMuyassar Recite Surah Nahl Ayat 114 16114 Al Quran IslamicFinder Translation of the meanings Ayah 114 Surah AnNahl English Translation of the meanings Ayah 114 Surah AnNahl English Translation Saheeh International The Noble Quran Encyclopedia Home Translations Index About 1114 Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114 ayanumber 1 Aya number in the sura AnNahl114Surah 16The Honey Bees AnNahl Verse 114 English Transliteration Fa kuloo mimmea raazaakaakumulleahu haalealan taayyiban vashkuroo nimataalleahi in kuntum iyyeahu taabudoon taabudoona So eat of the lawful and good and clean things which Allah has provided for you and give thanks for Allahs Blessings if it is Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 Quran Tafsir Perkata QuranHaditscom Tafsir Surat AnNahl ayat 114 Learn Quran AnNahl114 Surah The Honey Bees Verse114 Surat AnNahl Ayat 114 Arab Latin Terjemah dan Tafsir Lengkap Surat AnNahl 161114 The chord suara hati Noble Quran القرآن الكريم

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